Portfolio Use categories to find what you're looking for. AllAR / VRartcultural heritagedancedemo reeldigital fashion designexhibitionfilmlive performancemedia design / interactionmuseologymusicsportsvideo game Being Laser – Restless LimbsAR / VR, art, dance, sports UltramagicAR / VR, exhibition, media design / interaction, video game Escalade: The Darkest NightAR / VR, cultural heritage, museology Limites VRAR / VR, art Basement DrawingAR / VR, art Aboard the MayflowerAR / VR, cultural heritage, museology Superimposed RealitiesAR / VR, cultural heritage, exhibition Demo Reel 2020demo reel Geneva 1850AR / VR, cultural heritage, museology Johannes BadruttAR / VR, cultural heritage Freestyle Skiingsports Magic WindowAR / VR, dance The Craving Societydance, music VR_IAR / VR, dance Wind Clothingdigital fashion design, sports Manuel’s Dance of Deathdance, museology Next Roundfilm, sports Mauritius Telecomdance, live performance The Giants of Kem Kemmedia design / interaction, museology, video game Força Fortedance Teo and Leonie – Volume 1AR / VR, music Montreux Jazz Video Jukeboxexhibition, media design / interaction, music Demo Reel 2015demo reel 3DIM @ Capriceslive performance, media design / interaction Teo and Leoniefilm Gexfixfilm 12Cheersports, video game UIFvideo game Olympic Sports Animationexhibition, film, sports The Great Imitatorfilm Light Trackingexhibition, media design / interaction Fashioning Movementdigital fashion design, sports 3D In Motionlive performance, media design / interaction, music Motion Capture of a Knight in Armorcultural heritage Wrist Watchexhibition, media design / interaction Star Warsdance, live performance Demo Reel 2011demo reel