


Surgical planning solutions

Project Info

Start date:
November 2014

End date:
October 2016




The goal of this project was to develop several surgical planning tools taking into account both the anatomy and kinematics of the patient’s joint. We intended to continue and extended our previous research works by integrating them into a 3D surgical planning solution, called ArthroPlanner, which could be used in clinical routine and could thus directly benefit patients.

This project mainly aimed at developing solutions for the dynamic planning of the hip and shoulder and at extending our work to the knee.

Related Publications

Lädermann A, Chagué S, Preissmann D, Kolo FC, Zbinden O, Kevelham B, Bothorel H, Charbonnier C. Acromioplasty during repair of rotator cuff tears removes only half of the impinging acromial bone, JSES Open Access, 4(3):592-600, 2020.

Lädermann A, Chagué S, Preissmann D, Kolo FC, Rime O, Kevelham B, Bothorel H, Charbonnier C. Guided versus Freehand acromioplasty during rotator cuff repair. A randomized prospective study, Orthop Traumatol Surg Res, 106(4):651-659, 2020.

Lädermann A, Chagué S, Preissmann D, Kolo FC, Rime O, Kevelham B, Bothorel H, Charbonnier C. L’acromioplastie guidée comparée à l’acromioplastie à main levée dans la réparation de la coiffe des rotateurs. Une étude prospective randomisée, Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique, 106(4):372-380, 2020.

Charbonnier C, Duthon VB, Chagué S, Kolo FC, Ménétrey J. In Vivo Static and Dynamic Lengthening Measurements of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament at High Knee Flexion Angles, Int J CARS, 15(3):555-564, 2020.

Charbonnier C, Chagué S, Kevelham B, Preissmann D, Kolo FC, Rime O, Lädermann A. ArthroPlanner: A Surgical Planning Solution for Acromioplasty, Int J CARS, 13(12):2009-2019, 2018.

Charbonnier C, Chagué S, Kolo FC, Duthon VB, Menetrey J. Multi-body Optimization with Subject-Specific Knee Models: Performance at High Knee Flexion Angles, Comput Meth Biomech Biomed Eng, 20(14):1571-1579, 2017.

Lädermann A, Kolo FC, Chagué S, Charbonnier C. Is acromioplasty planification useful? A prospective randomized trial, XIVe Congrès de la Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie, Paris, France, Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique, 103(8):S268, September 2017.

Charbonnier C, Kolo FC, Lädermann A. Acromioplasty Planification: A Randomized Prospective Study, 27th Annual Congress of the European Shoulder and Elbow Society (SECEC), Berlin, Germany, September 2017.

Charbonnier C, Chagué S, Kevelham B, Kolo FC, Lädermann A. ArthroPlanner: A Surgical Planning Solution for Acromioplasty, 30th International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Heidelberg, Germany, Int J CARS, June 2016.

Shoulder Instability

Shoulder Instability

Shoulder Instability

Dynamic evaluation of instability

Project Info

Start date:
August 2014

End date:
July 2016

La Tour Hospital



Shoulder instability is a common pathology in young or athletic adult that results in chronic dislocations or subluxations. When multiple dislocations episodes occur, surgical treatment is indicated. But this treatment really stabilizes the joint or only prevents it to dislocate?

The objective of this study was to investigate and compare the shoulder stability in patients with anterior instability by performing a dynamic motion capture analysis before and after surgical treatment. The results of this study provided a better understanding of this disease, and evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed surgical treatment.


Modeling and simulation of the shoulder

La Tour Hospital – Division of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery
Clinical tests

Imaging center Rive Droite SA
Radiological acquisitions

Related Publications

Lädermann A, Denard PJ, Tirefort J, Chagué S, Cunningham G, Charbonnier C. Est-ce que les stabilisations d’épaule stabilisent les épaules ?, Congrès de la Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie 2016, Paris, France, Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique, 102(8):S284-S285, December 2016.

Lädermann A, Denard PJ, Tirefort J, Kolo FC, Chagué S, Cunningham G, Charbonnier C. Does Surgery for Instability of the Shoulder Truly Stabilize the Glenohumeral Joint? A Prospective Comparative Cohort Study, Medicine, 95(31):e4369, 2016.

Lädermann A, Charbonnier C. Kinematics of the Shoulder Joint, Leading Opinions, 2015.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

A dynamic analysis

Project Info

Start date:
March 2014

End date:
December 2014

La Tour Hospital



Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a rare condition that involves pain in the neck and shoulder, numbness and tingling of the fingers. It happens when the nerves or blood vessels are compressed in the thoracic outlet which is the area between the rib cage and clavicle.

The goal of this study was to better understand certain causes of TOS by performing a dynamic simulation of the shoulder complex. Repetitive arm and shoulder movements, as well as anatomical defects can play a role in the development of TOS. In this study, motion capture and medical imaging (CT, MRI) were combined to improve assessment of this condition in symptomatic patients.


Modeling and simulation of the shoulder

La Tour Hospital – Division of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery
Clinical tests

Imaging center Rive Droite SA
Radiological acquisitions


Shoulder Rehabilitation

Shoulder Rehabilitation

Shoulder Rehabilitation

Simulation of physical exercises

Project Info

Start date:
April 2014

End date:
December 2014

University Hospitals of Geneva



Strengthening of shoulder muscles in rehabilitation protocols and sport practice can be achieved by a wide range of different exercises and several types of technique. In presence of a rotator cuff lesion, articular cartilage pathology or instability, recommendations for design of a shoulder strength training protocol aim at avoiding or minimizing subacromial impingement and stress on the articular cartilages or labrum. Very limited objective data is at disposable to emit such recommendations.

The goal of this study was to capture and simulate 30 to 50 rehabilitation exercises to study the impact on the glenohumeral joint (e.g. cartilage’s compression, incidence of subacromial impingement) and rotator cuff (e.g. tendon lengthening of the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor). Ultimately, this study will better target rehabilitation exercises of the shoulder.


Modeling and simulation of the shoulder

University Hospitals of Geneva – Unit of Physical Medicine and Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Selection of physical exercises

University Hospitals of Geneva – Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology
Medical supervision

Related Publications

Charbonnier C, Lädermann A, Kevelham B, Chagué S, Hoffmeyer P, Holzer N. Shoulder Strengthening Exercises Adapted to Specific Shoulder Pathologies Can Be Selected Using New Simulation Techniques: A Pilot Study, Int J CARS, 13(2):321-330, 2018.

Charbonnier C, Chagué S, Lädermann A, Holzer N. Évaluation des effets potentiellement délétères d’exercices de l’épaule en fonction des pathologies rencontrées, Congrès de la Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie 2016, Paris, France, Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique, 102(8):S307, December 2016.

Holzer N, Chagué S, Lädermann A, Ziltener JL, Hoffmeyer P, Charbonnier C. High differences in subacromial space height and gleno-humeral compression according to shoulder muscle exercise type, Swiss Med Wkly, 145(Suppl. 210):32S, 2015.

Charbonnier C, Kevelham B, Chagué S, Lädermann A, Ziltener JL, Hoffmeyer P, Holzer N. Impact of Shoulder Strengthening Exercises on the Shoulder Joint, 33rd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Poitiers, France, June 2015.

Charbonnier C, Kevelham B, Chagué S, Lädermann A, Ziltener JL, Hoffmeyer P, Holzer N. A Simplified Technique To Estimate Rotator Cuff Elongation During Complex Shoulder Motion, 29th International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Barcelona, Spain, Int J CARS, June 2015.

Holzer N, Chagué S, Lädermann A, Ziltener JL, Hoffmeyer P, Charbonnier C. Impact of Shoulder Strengthening Exercises on Subacromial Space Height and on Articular Cartilages and Labrum Compression Using Motion Capture Analysis, 16th EFORT Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2015.




Shoulder kinematic modeling

Project Info

Start date:
June 2012

End date:
March 2014

La Tour Hospital



The shoulder has the widest range of motion of any joint in the body, but at the cost of inherent instability causing pain and functional disability. To better understand the mechanisms involved in shoulder stability, an in-depth analysis of the shoulder kinematics is instrumental. Therefore, the project aimed at developing a new kinematic model to reliably evaluate the three-dimensional motion of the shoulder based on motion capture. To set up and evaluate the kinematic model, a clinical study involving tennis players was performed.

The results opened up new possibilities to orthopedic surgeons in order to improve assessment and treatment of patients with shoulder functional abnormalities.


Modeling and simulation of the shoulder

La Tour Hospital – Division of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery
Clinical tests

Imaging center Rive Droite SA
Radiological acquisitions

Related Publications

Lädermann A, Bonnevialle N, Charbonnier C. The Shoulder in Tennis : The Different Types of Impingement & Instability, In Shoulder Concepts 2016 – Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty & Fractures, Edited by P. Boileau Sauramps Medical Montpellier, 2016.

Lädermann A, Chagué S, Kolo FC, Charbonnier C. Kinematics of the Shoulder Joint in Tennis Players, J Sci Med Sport, 19(1):56-63, 2016.

Charbonnier C, Chagué S, Kolo FC, Lädermann A. Shoulder Motion During Tennis Serve: Dynamic and Radiological Evaluation Based on Motion Capture and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Int J CARS, 10(8):1289-1297, 2015.

Charbonnier C, Chagué S, Kolo FC, Chow JCK, Lädermann A. Évaluation personnalisée de l’épaule par modélisation de la cinétique articulaire, Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique, 100(7):521, 2014.

Charbonnier C, Chagué S, Kolo FC, Chow JCK, Lädermann A. A Patient-Specific Measurement Technique to Model Shoulder Joint Kinematics, Orthop Traumatol Surg Res, 100(7):715-719, 2014.

Lädermann A, Chagué S, Kolo FC, Charbonnier C. Kinematic of the Shoulder Joints in Professional Tennis Players, Swiss Med Wkly, Suppl. 204, 144:14S, 2014.

Charbonnier C, Chagué S, Kolo FC, Lädermann A. A Patient-Specific Measurement Technique to Model the Kinematics of the Shoulder in Tennis Players, 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS), Milan, Italy, June 2014.

Charbonnier C, Chagué S, Kolo FC, Lädermann A. Analysis of Shoulder Impingement and Stability in Tennis Players, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2014.

Lädermann A, Chagué S, Kolo FC, Charbonnier C. Kinematic Modeling of the Shoulder in Tennis Players, 24th Annual Congress of the European Shoulder and Elbow Society (SECEC), Madrid, Spain, September 2013.
