Installation of our Vicon system

Installation of our Vicon system

Last week, Prophysics came to our studio in order to install our Vicon system: 3 MX Giganets, 24 MXT40S cameras!

The first day was dedicated to build the system that came packed into several boxes (see photo on the left). 16 cameras were first attached to the two flexible grids and 8 others were mounted on tripods.

The next day, the Prophysics’s technicians carefully calibrated each camera to obtain the biggest motion capture volume as possible while maintaining high tracking accuracy (see photo below). We finally tested the system intensively with different sizes of markers to ensure its proper setup, and especially to make sure we can precisely capture the smallest eyebrow movements, as well as incredible fast and large range of motion!

Vicon system calibration

Imaging the Future

Imaging the Future

Clementine here! Sylvain and I will be in Neuchâtel tomorrow for the Imaging the Future Symposium. We are really looking forward to meeting lots of interesting people and listening to some great talks. A few speakers:

  • Nicolas Aithadi, VFX supervisor, The Moving Picture Company, GB – X-Men: First Class (Vaughn, 2011), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (Yates, 2010)
  • Marc Umé, VFX supervisor, Digital Graphics, DE – The Secret of Kells (Moore & Twomey, 2009), Home (Meier, 2008)
  • Hugues Martin, VFX supervisor, Independent, FR – Mirages (Selhami, 2010), Djinns (H. & S. Martin, 2009)
  • Karen Goulekas, VFX supervisor, Independent, US – Green Lantern (Campbell, 2011), 10’000 BC (Emmerich, 2008), The Day After Tomorrow (Emmerich, 2004), The Fifth Element (Besson, 1997)

There will also be a showcase of works by swiss companies presented by the association Swiss Made VFX.

You can check out the full program here. Please stay tuned for our report of the day!