AR tools for medicineProject Info
Start date:
September 2016
End date:
February 2018
La Tour Hospital / Hirslanden Clinique La Colline
In medicine, augmented reality (AR) technology can offer added value over traditional education, assessment and interventional approaches. By combining our expertise in motion capture, 3D anatomical modelling and AR technology, new solutions can be proposed to improve medical treatment.
In this project, we developed an anatomical see-through tool to visualize and analyze patient’s anatomy in real time and in motion for applications in sports medicine and rehabilitation. This tool allows healthcare professionals to visualize joint kinematics, where the bones are accurately rendered as a holographic overlay on the subject (like an X-ray vision) and in real-time as the subject performs the movement.
Development of AR solutions
La Tour Hospital – Division of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery
Clinical tests
Hirslanden Clinique La Colline – Division of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery
Clinical tests
Related Publications
Elias de Oliveira M, Galvan Debarba H, Lädermann A, Chagué S, Charbonnier C. Réalité augmentée en chirurgie orthopédique. Mythe ou réalité ?, Congrès de la Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie 2018, Paris, France, Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique, 104(8):S110, November 2018.
Galvan Debarba H, Elias de Oliveira M, Lädermann A, Chagué S, Charbonnier C. Augmented Reality Visualization of Joint Movements for Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), Foz Do Iguaçu, Brazil, October 2018.
Galvan Debarba H, Elias de Oliveira M, Lädermann A, Chagué S, Charbonnier C. Augmented Reality Visualization of Joint Movements for Physical Examination and Rehabilitation, Proc. 2018 IEEE Virtual Reality, IEEE Comput. Soc, March 2018.
Galvan Debarba H, Elias de Oliveira M, Lädermann A, Chagué S, Charbonnier C. Tracking a Consumer HMD with a Third Party Motion Capture System, Proc. 2018 IEEE Virtual Reality, IEEE Comput. Soc, March 2018.
Elias de Oliveira M, Galvan Debarba H, Lädermann A, Chagué S, Charbonnier C. Development of a Hand-Eye Calibration Method for Augmented Reality Applied to Computer-Assisted Orthopedic Surgery, 32nd International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Heidelberg, Germany, Int J CARS, June 2018.